Seven ways to make the post-massage feeling last longer

Summary: A massage can be satisfying both physically and mentally. Make the most of the massage by scheduling it at the end of the day, listening to soft music, staying hydrated, and dressing comfortably after.

The benefits of a massage can satisfy both the physical and mental needs of an individual. Here are some tips, to make sure your post-massage feeling lasts you longer than until you step out of the treatment room.

Schedule smart – Schedule a massage at the end of the day or on a weekend as this will mean that you wouldn’t have to rush through a hectic day.

Reduce the volume – Avoid getting into your car and turning up the stereo up to rock music. Instead, opt to listen to classical tunes or nothing at all during your ride home.

Watch your diet – Eating a heavy meal after a massage can leave you feeling sick. Instead opt for a light meal like a sandwich, smoothie, salad or soup.

Stay hydrated – After a massage, your body will need to release toxins, and it does so with water. For a few hours after your massage opt to drink water and avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Dress the part – Comfortable clothing is key after a massage as it will help you feel more relaxed. Look at yoga pants, a T-shirt, and flip flops.

Invest in regular massage – Regular massages are a good investment, but they should not leave you feeling financially overextended. Look for an affordable spa and treatment that fits your budget.

Avoid strenuous activity – After your massage, avoid doing strenuous exercises like running, hiking or a gym workout.

Written by Garden Retreat Spa. If you’re looking for the best New York massage, look no further than Garden Retreat Spa.