The Scoop On Canadian Drugs
|The FDA telling us to be careful with Canadian drugs. More than over 1 million American’s are crossing the northern border in one way or another to buy drugs from Canada.
Legitimate Canadian drugs go through rigorous testing as do the drugs manufactured in America. Some of the drugs from Canada are even manufactured in America.
The main concern over Canadian drugs are that they are not approved by the FDA or they may be labeled incorrectly, or a horde of other excuses.
The fact is Canadian drugs are cheaper than drugs in America and many America’s are willing to take the risk in order to rid themselves of the high cost of prescription drugs in America.
How can Canadian drugs be cheaper than those in America?
Drug prices are a very complex subject. Many different things come into play as to why different countries have different prices for the same drugs that are manufactured in America. In countries like Canada they have a government price regulation on drugs.
Canada has a very different system in place to govern the price Canadian drugs. The regulatory agency does not just set a price and say that is it. The drug companies in Canada do set the price for their drugs, but they understand the regulations and how to use them properly in order to stay in business.
Their mandate for Canadian drugs says that the prices of brand name drugs should be “not excessive”. This regulatory board checks prices twice per year to ensure that the mandate is in place in all Canadian drug companies. The guidelines they check are prices for Canadian drugs must not exceed the price of drugs that are used to treat the same problem. For new drugs, that do not have any competition must not be higher than the same drug found in 7 different countries(USA, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Germany, France, and Britain). They also use the Canada’s Consumer Price Index and the price must not increase above the rate of inflation.
The FDA in America is trying to stop Americans from buying Canadian drugs. Congress has tried to pass bills in the past to allow Americans the right to buy Canadian drugs, but the bills have not been passed.
Buying Canadian drugs is an issue that is being fought in several states in the U.S. Many states are trying to change laws where the states themselves will be able to purchase Canadian drugs, and then they would be able to give their consumers lower drug prices.
Maybe our government should look more into Canadian drugs and the way Canada fights to keep drugs at a reasonable rate, and then many Americans would not be so burdened by paying the prices for prescription drugs. Many of America’s older citizens on fixed incomes can not afford to be paying these expensive prices for prescription drugs. This causes them to have to skimp in other ways. When a senior citizen is paying high prices for the drugs that they need to live a productive and enjoyable life, they need to have money left to enjoy their life. Many senior citizens are skipping their medicine to make it last longer or not even buying their needed medications.
If you are considering purchasing Canadian drugs be sure you buy from a reputable pharmacy. You will be able to find licensed pharmacies online.