A Note on the 80/20 Rule for Healthy Eating

So, how does the 80/20 rule fit into “healthy eating”?

It’s really simple. Eighty percent of what you eat should be healthy while the remaining 20 percent allows you to indulge in your favorite foods.

Best part: you don’t have to be perfect.

But the approach is excellent since it delivers results, helps you get results in the long-term but doesn’t require you to cut calories, ignore cravings or even eliminate entire food groups.

Other diets require you to follow a very restricting plan but this almost always results in them falling back into old habits. As mentioned earlier, there is no pressure for perfection since there aren’t any expiration dates either.

And which is why here are 3 benefits to get the best results with a 80/20 diet:

#1: No guilt necessary

Since there are no ‘bad foods’ in the 80/20 philosophy, there won’t be any need to feel guilty if you help yourself to chocolate cake after a healthy dinner. Just stop and remind yourself that enjoying these treats is a part of this diet.

#2: Balance is everything

If you are eating healthy, 80 percent of the time, that doesn’t mean you have to enjoy exactly treats for 20%. If you enjoy eating healthier food and don’t have to deal with cravings, then there’s no necessity to eat a sugary dessert.

#3: Flexibility

Be advised that the 80/20 rule is a realistic set of guidelines and not a fixed diet. Sometimes the ratio of healthy to unhealthy foods is 60/40, 70/30 or even 90/10. Ensure that you are flexible enough so as to live a healthy and happy Life.