Article written by Cellan Diet.
We all want to become smarter at any age. But as we get older our brain power start to diminish ever so slowly. This is why many are seeking help from brain healthy food, supplements and medications. According to researchers a compound found in green tea known as EGCG helps to you to get smarter and protect your brain power from forces such as aging.
EGCG works as a brain stimulant but not to the extent of caffeine found in coffee that makes you jittery. Caffeine works in the system by blocking inhibitory neurotransmitter known as Adenosine which increases the amount of neurons. EGCG works similar to caffeine but with an added benefit of amino acid that helps to improve brain function. The ultimate result is improved mood, vigilance, improved memory and reaction time. This is why Cellan contains 100 percent green tea extract that gives you EGCG.
Researchers find that EGCG found in green tea helps to improve mood, vigilance, memory and your brain reaction time. This is why supplements such as Cellan Diet Pills contain 100 percent green tea extract that is rich in EGCG and other proven natural brain improving ingredients.