Guest post is provided by Cellan Diet Pills. A catechin commonly known as EGCG found in green tea brings many benefits according to research. Cellan Diet contain 100 green tea extract.
Epigallocatechin 3-gallate or commonly known as EGCG is a catechin mainly contained in abundance in green tea. A huge volume of research is available on green tea and green tea extracts. According to published research, main benefits of EGCG include numerous health benefits including various forms of cancer prevention, cardiovascular benefits, fight diabetes and obesity, increased metabolism and weight loss. Other benefits include improved digestion, mental alertness, and treat stomach disorders. Traditionally green tea has been consumed by many Asian nations and they show greater longevity and lower level of diseases compared to developed Western world.
Some of the cardiovascular issues are caused by inflammation of blood vessel obstructing the flow of blood to the heart. Other ways of obstructing blood flow includes abnormal platelet aggregation within blood vessels and high level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) that aggravates the blood flow due to oxidation. In studies, EGCG treated subjects shown blood flow improvements over non-EGCG control group. This is why Cellan Diet contains 100 percent green tea extract in the product.